There are some exceptionally good reasons why we should all be making more of an effort to recycle our clothing. The benefits of recycling clothing on the environment are immense and if we all worked together as one worldwide team, we could make such a difference. Here are just a few of the amazing benefits
read moreWhy not install a FREE clothing bin yourself? Did you know that each year around 235 million items of clothing ends up in landfill and almost 100% of it is perfectly recyclable? In the UK alone, there is around £140 million of unwanted clothing currently rotting in landfill. How many tonnes do you think that
read moreCalling all school children to fill the bag as Recycled Clothing Banks offer an exciting way to raise funds! Raising money for schools has never been more important now that the UK finds itself in the midst of an economic downward spiral due to the coronavirus pandemic. Schools have been closed, PTA’s out of action,
read moreCharity Fund Raising is Falling It is well-known that charities have to work incredibly hard to raise funds to keep their vital services running; often these services are literally a life line for some people. In ‘normal’ times it is hard enough, but now voluntary sector leaders are deeply concerned about crucial funding not being
read moreOk, so we all know about ‘fast food’ and we all know how it is linked to the decline in our health. Unfortunately ‘fast fashion’ is having the same impact on our environment. Since 2000, the price point on clothing as dropped massively, which means we can get more for our money – YAY! But,
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